Liberal Lawmakers Threaten Our American Way of Life

The Shocking Decline of American Sovereignty Under Biden

A Country in Crisis: Biden’s Destructive Policies Unleashed

Today, we stand at the precipice of an America virtually unrecognizable from the land of liberty, prosperity, and unyielding sovereignty that generations fought to create. Is this the future our forefathers envisioned? Under Joe Biden’s administration, our country faces a downslide so Marxist-inspired that only the staunchest patriots are sounding the alarm.

Pushing America to the Brink: Open Borders and the Demise of National Security

The Biden administration’s border policies have morphed into a national catastrophe. For months now, caravans of undocumented migrants have overwhelmed our borders, turning towns into war zones. Instead of fortifying our security, the administration is pivoting to an open-door policy that serves none but the miscreants and criminal factions desperate to make a profit off suffering.

In a recent report, evidence suggests that the lack of harsh immigration penalties and welcoming rhetoric from Biden’s White House has encouraged illegal crossings to unprecedented levels. Yet, where is the mainstream media? Silent. Where is the urgency from our elected officials? Nonexistent. Patriotism must reinvigorate our senses—enough of this enabling tyranny!

The Perils of Socialism Sold as Economic Aid

Unsurprisingly, we see the administration pushing a radical socialist agenda cloaked in the veil of economic aid. The so-called “Build Back Better” plan is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Ramming a $3.5 trillion socialist spending package through Congress under the guise of recovery isn’t just economic imprudence; it’s economic suicide. How many times must history teach us that when you penalize success and reward indolence, innovation and progress perish?

This is not about infrastructure. This is not about climate. This is about welfare expansionism so deep and ports of entitlement so extensive that we, as a nation, will be suffocated under the weight of our own misguided benefactions. Want evidence? Look to Venezuela.

America First in Name Only: The Hypocrisy of Our Leadership

Perhaps the most galling aspect is the sheer hypocrisy

Original Content Author: Dave Urbanski
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