Assault on Trump Threatens Global Democracy

Netanyahu: Attack on Trump is an Attack on All Democracies

**Netanyahu: Attack on Trump is an Attack on All Democracies**

In a riveting and somber address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put forth a scathing denunciation of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. “This brazen assault was not just an attack on Trump; it was an attack on all democracies,” Netanyahu asserted, branding the incident as a grave affront to the principles of freedom and justice that democratic nations hold dear.

**A Call for Unity Against Violence**

Netanyahu’s statement underscores the deep and unwavering bonds between Israel and the United States. In highlighting the critical importance of standing united against violence and lawlessness, he pointedly remarked that threats against one democratic leader are, in essence, threats against all who cherish democratic values.

The attempted assassination has echoed through the ranks of conservative political thinkers and Trump’s legions of adamant supporters. Trump’s unyielding and fearless response to the attack, embodied in his defiantly invigorating call to “Fight,” has further galvanized his base. This historic footage of Trump, grazed by a bullet and bleeding yet standing tall and resilient, has solidified his status as an icon of steadfast courage.

**Media’s Role and the Left’s Relentless Assault**

In the aftermath of this unprecedented and heinous incident, the stark reality has come into sharper focus. The Left’s relentless narrative and biased media spin have not only heightened societal divides but have also ignited dangerous sentiments that led directly to this perilous flashpoint. Let’s be clear: the media and the political rhetoric spouted by the Democrats have contributed to this violent climate. The blood they seek is now shed prominently on their hands.

Netanyahu’s unequivocal and powerful stance underscores the need for the global democratic community to rally behind their leaders and unequivocally denounce these abhorrent acts of violence. There was no waffling, no politically correct babble—just pure, unadulterated truth from a leader who understands the grave threat that these times represent.

**The Iconic Stature of Donald Trump**

This assassination attempt not only reinforces Trump’s iconic

Original Content Author: Breitbart
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