Elite Hypocrisy Exposed Threatening America’s Democracy and Values

The Rising Tide of Elite Hypocrisy: A Double Standard that Threatens Our Democracy

The Rising Tide of Elite Hypocrisy: A Double Standard that Threatens Our Democracy

By Your Trusted Political Analyst

Our great country stands at a crossroads, as the hypocrisy of the political elite becomes ever more glaring. From Washington to New York, a flurry of reports reveals that while the omnipotent left-wing establishment preaches equality and justice, they practice the very opposite. These self-proclaimed champions of the common man often feast at the trough of corruption, creating new, self-serving benchmarks for dishonesty and greed.

The Case for Capitol Hill Hypocrites

Take, for instance, the recent revelations from Capitol Hill. A growing body of evidence suggests that key Democratic leaders have been flaunting ethical guidelines designed to safeguard our nation. Yet, where is the outrage? The liberal media’s silence thunders across the heartland. Their so-called “watchdogs” are little more than lapdogs, complicit in shielding their icons from public scrutiny.

From New York

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Original Content Link: https://nypost.com/2024/07/14/us-news/donald-trump-saved-his-own-life-during-shooting-ex-secret-service-agent-dan-bongino-says/