Freedom Under Siege Union Tactics Threaten American Prosperity

**US Southern Border Crisis Deepens: Invasion or Incompetence?**

The ongoing crisis at America’s southern border has reached a boiling point, and it’s time we peel back the curtain of mainstream media obfuscation to reveal the unvarnished truth. The sovereignty of our nation is under threat, and our leaders’ response—nightmarishly inadequate—may very well be the dagger to our republic’s chest.

**An Unraveling Reality**

In recent developments, the situation at the US-Mexico border has escalated to unprecedented levels. With border patrol agents overwhelmed and communities along the border under siege, the question begs to be asked: who benefits from this chaotic influx?

**The Numbers Don’t Lie**

Recent reports confirm that thousands are pouring across daily. The mainstream narrative would have you believe that these are simply “families seeking a better life.” But let’s dig deeper. Amongst those arrested, we’ve seen individuals with criminal histories, gang affiliations, and potentially, affiliations far more insidious.

We are witnessing an organized effort by criminal cartels to exploit the Biden administration’s ineptitude and hyper-progressive policies. The floodgates have been thrown open, and instead of addressing the avalanche, leadership in Washington seems content to fiddle while the homeland burns.

**Who Will Rise to Defend Us?**

The Biden administration’s tepid rhetoric, disguised under a thin veneer of humanitarianism, ignores the legitimate security concerns presented by this disaster. Men and women who proudly wear the uniform of the United States Border Patrol are stretched beyond their limits, with resources siphoned from areas that need them most.

Texas and Arizona are essentially front-line states in what can only be called an invasion. Yet, rather than receive the federal support mandated by the Constitution to repel these incursions, they are being gaslit by those in power who accuse them of xenophobia and racism.

**Cities on the Brink**

Established cities along the border, once teeming with vibrant communities, have now become ground zero in a guerrilla war that pits desperate locals against invaders emboldened by Washington’s open-door policy. Law-abiding Americans who have built lives in these areas, who have been patriots in the truest sense, are now abandoned by their government.

Consider what’s unfolded in places like El Paso and Tucson—once symbols of American dreams—now haunted by criminal enterprises flourishing unchecked.

**The Silent Destruction of Rule of Law**

Every illegal crossing chips away at the sanctity of our laws

Original Content Author: Paul Sacca
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