Democrats Ignore Main Street Struggle Clinging to Biden’s Radical Agenda

Democrats Double Down on Biden’s Lame Agenda

Renegade Democrats Double Down on Biden’s Lame Agenda: A Betrayal of Mainstream America

In a stunning display of political arrogance, Democrats are double down on President Biden’s crumbling agenda, thumbing their noses at mainstream America. Cities burn, the economy teeters on the brink, and Washington’s Left prioritizes radical fantasies over practical, bread-and-butter issues.

A Disconnected Leadership

While inflation skyrockets, crime surges, and businesses flee their tax-and-spend policies, Democratic leadership remains laser-focused on divisive and unrealistic policies. Their approach alienates the very working-class families and small business owners who form the backbone of America.

Green Fantasies Over Real-World Needs

Let’s take their climate mandates—sacrificing American energy independence at the altar of green fantasies. They ignore real-world consequences like rising energy prices and household budget strains. Meanwhile, the porous border situation worsens, inviting humanitarian crises and imperiling our communities.

Disregard for American Liberty

Perhaps most galling is their blatant disregard for average Americans’ concerns about liberty. From COVID-19 vaccine mandates to restrictive speech codes, the Biden Administration and its cronies seem hellbent on demolishing civil freedoms under the guise of public welfare. The so-called “experts” they defer to remain disconnected from the gritty realities faced by our nation’s hardworking individuals.

Virtue Signaling Runs Amok

Original Content Author: Harold Hutchison
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