Media’s Anti-Trump Rhetoric: A Gateway to Political Violence

Tim Scott Exposes the Alarming Outcome of Media’s Anti-Trump Rhetoric: “Violence is the Natural Outcome”

Tim Scott Exposes the Alarming Outcome of Media’s Anti-Trump Rhetoric: “Violence is the Natural Outcome”

In a riveting interview with Breitbart, Senator Tim Scott boldly called out the culpability of mainstream media and left-wing elites for instigating a culture of violence against conservatives, specifically targeting President Trump. Scott’s argument is both clear and devastating: By perpetuating the false narrative that Trump is a threat to democracy, the media and radical Democrats are essentially lighting the flames of political violence.

A Culture of Manipulated Stories and False Narratives

Senator Scott meticulously traced the origins of this incendiary rhetoric to manipulated stories and false accusations spun by leftist news outlets who never miss an opportunity to vilify Trump supporters. Remember Charlottesville? Remember the “fine people” hoax? These strategic distortions have fanned the flames of division to a scorched Earth.

When Words Turn Into Reprehensible Acts

Scott reminded us of the very real consequences when hate-fueled words translate into reprehensible acts, illustrating an environment where assassination attempts are not just shocking but, appallingly, anticipated results of leftist vitriol. Just think about the recent attempt on Trump’s life—an act borne out of this very toxic narrative.

Nation on the Brink of Chaos

With surgical precision, Scott drives home a distressing truth: as long as these outlets and politicians continue to demonize Trump and his base, our nation

Original Content Author: Breitbart
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