Non-Citizen Voting in NYC: Left’s Assault on American Democracy

The Progressives’ Plot to Dilute Your Vote: NYC Eyes Non-Citizen Voting Rights

The Progressives’ Plot to Dilute Your Vote: NYC Eyes Non-Citizen Voting Rights

A Grave Threat to Our Democracy

In a bid to dismantle the very core of our electoral system, New York City’s progressive elites are championing a reckless initiative: granting non-citizens the right to vote in local elections. This move, shrouded in the noble-sounding principles of inclusivity and empathy, is a stealthy onslaught on our democratic foundation. Fellow Americans, witness the unfolding attempt to dilute your voices and transform the sacred American ballot box into a playground for progressive scheming. This is not inclusivity; it’s an audacious step towards erosion of fair elections and national integrity.

The Progressive Playbook: Erosion of Voter Integrity

From climate doctrines to economic upheavals, the progressive brigade has made significant advances in reshaping America’s policy terrain. Now, adding to their arsenal, they aim to compromise another cornerstone — the integrity of our elections. Allowing non-citizens to vote underlines a broader liberal strategy: shift the electorate in their favor and ensure perpetual dominance.

Our electoral system’s sanctity relies on the principle of citizenship. By extending voting rights to non-citizens, we inadvertently devalue the privilege born out of citizenship — a process that integrates individuals into the American fold and entitles them to democratic participation. This latest push is nothing more than a calculated move to secure new voters, catered to progressive sympathies and orientations.

A Dangerous Precedent

The potential repercussions of this

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